Maxwell J. Labrooy
Director Environmental Products

Max is an authority in the environmental products industry, having served as the CFO, President, Vice-President, and Marketing Director over the last 40 years. His vast experience includes everything from EPA registered disinfectants for the likes of

COVID-19 and beyond to environmentally responsible hospitality supplies.

From 1980 to 1985, Max served as International Marketing Director and Sales Manager for Absolute National Ceiling Cleaning Inc and National Ceiling Cleaning Inc. He then led as President of what grew into Interior Environmental Products in Clearwater, FL, until 1996. Max led company growth, including developing manufacturing in South Korea, Japan, Canada, Mexico, and Europe.

Max then took his experience and started Green Diversified Systems and Green Dolphin Environmental Services. Green Diversified Systems is an environmentally responsible provider of consumable products for the hospitality market. Green Dolphin Systems manufactures specialty commercial cleaning products.

Max grew up in Australia and has traveled to more than 75 countries. His sports experience includes playing professional soccer. Max speaks fluent Greek and conversational Spanish. Max’s personal interest includes golf, tennis, and soccer